Published on May 26, 2020
Elixir Clinical MCQ

A 29-year-old male was sent to the allergist to be investigated following an anaphylactic reaction while staying at home. He gave a 14-year history of rhinitis and angioedema, and a history of feeling asphyxiated when blowing up balloons for his children. On the day of admission, he visited a critically ill friend in the hospital that was being reverse barrier nursed and the visitors must wear protective gown and gloves. About 24 min after putting on his gloves both eyes and face became swollen, felt wheezy and his tongue swelled up. In the emergency department, he received a dose of intravenous hydrocortisone intramuscular and adrenaline. He recovered. He has no history of allergy to environmental antigens or atopy. The physical examination was unremarkable. However, the skin prick test shows a strong reaction to dust mite. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

1.C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
2.Latex-induced anaphylaxis
3.Contact dermatitis
4.Serum sickness

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