Published on Feb 28, 2021
Finishline - Week 4 schedule

Dear students, 
Week 4 schedule for finishline tests will be totally integrated and topic based. We shall try to answer based on a topic -  from all possible subjects  (Learn the topics from Patho, Medicine, Surgery)

March 1  -  Blood vessels -  Atherosclerosis, Vascular Anomalies, Hypertension, Aneurysm
March 2  -  Vasculitis 
March 3  -  Heart -  Congenital anomalies, Heart failure, RHD
March 4 -  Cardiomyopathies, vascular and cardiac tumours, Vascular grafting, Valvular abnormalities
March 5  -  Lung - physiology, volume curve relations, ARDS, COPD
March 6 -  Lung - Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis, Interstital lung diseases

Let's try and read them in a single place and understand more.. Enrol to Revision series to get access. Free access for Elixir Students - Download the app here