
Elixir MCQ's

What imaging technique should be used in a patient with a parathyroid cancer with suspected paratracheal lymph nodes? 1.Ultrasound2.X-ray3.CT4.Fluoroscopy #elixirmed #surgery 

Elixir Elite (9 and 12 Months)

The final product is ready to be delivered. The Q bank will be fully available on May 15. And now it's time for Pre-Launch ! It's a work since the last NEET came out. We wanted to create a Q bank based on clinical case scenarios to help students. The pattern of examination has changed.  What makes Elixir Unique ? Feedback from 1000's of NEET rankers - And most of them insisted that they faced lengthy questions which they were not used to. CBC, Thyroid, Vital signs - in almost every question. Long answers and more question based on Decision Making rather than being objective. There was a change in exam pattern -  There was a requirement  - There was a NEED. And Elixir was born ! We are pleased to announce the MOST UPDATED, MOST COMPREHENSIVE and the NEEDED Q bank for the new pattern of NEET.  I know it's in the middle of the night, but we don't want students wait for it anymore.  We are in the process of Proof-Reading the other subjects and they will be ready by May 15th. As of now we have opened Surgery, OBG and Anaesthesia.  Click on the New course -  Open the Q bank -  And Start solving questions and learn the way it has to be done.  We Promise for all users of Elixir Elite (9 months) The Q bank will be updated regularlyYou will have More cases based scenarios in First and Second prof yearsYou will more Elixir Drops (1000+) - Categorised and Image Bank (1000+) over the course duration12 Grand tests  - With 85% and above case based scenarios only Elixir Elite (12 months) If you are targeting MID YEAR exams - We will have your access extended till next May, in addition to 5 MID YEAR exam pattern mocks To access the Q bank, look under New Course in Dashboard


Revise, Recall and stop not till you Retain -  Can we alter the quote of Vivekananda for us ! Yes and at Elixir, we believe this. ! So we have to revise to retain it for a long duration. Revision  - Tomorrow at 6pm Topics - Daily test 23 to Daily test 38. We will have 15 questions from the above tests (which were made wrong by many students)If you have given the test, spend one hour - Just one hour to go through the mistakes and explanation. If you have not given any of them - Take your Elixir app - and start giving them ! Our routine daily test will also be there at 8pm. Our Motto is to make you learn - And we shall not leave any stone un-turned to achieve that. ! If you are going to come along with us comment yes below !!#letsdoit #letsrevise #elixirneetpg


Dear Students,The topper of this month will also receive the prizes. There are a few concerns on how to narrow down the winners, since there are quite a few confounding factors to be noted while deciding the winners. We are creating a background plan to segregate the winners for the month of May. We shall be conveying it to you beforehand on what basis we will be deciding the winners in a couple of days. The inclusion criteriaThe exclusion criteria What about retake of exams, old exams So we can decide who is on the top with perfection. The only reason we are awarding prizes is to motivate students to learn. And we do not want any single deserving student to be left out in this.Do not worry about the leaderboard. Just we want you guys to read the notes by morning and attend the quizzes by evening. So you learn gradually and as a byproduct of your hard-work, we Elixir team will reward you. We shall keep you posted soon !

Elixir Drops

💧Elixir Drops #11

Causes of Edema Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure: causes can include the following: –  Marked increase in blood flow, e.g., vasodilation in a given vascular bed –  Increasing venous pressure, e.g., venous obstruction or heart failure –  Elevated blood volume (typically the result of Na+ retention), e.g., heart failure Increased interstitial oncotic pressure: primary cause is thyroid dysfunction (elevated mucopolysaccharides in the interstitium)   – These act as osmotic agents resulting in fluid accumulation and a non- pitting edema. Lymphedema (see below) can also increase Ï€IF. • Decreased vascular oncotic pressure: causes can include the following:–  Liver failure–  Nephrotic syndrome Increased capillary permeability : Circulating agents, e.g., tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), bradykinin, histamine, cytokines related to burn trauma, etc., increase fluid (and possibly protein) filtra- tion resulting in edema. • Lymphatic obstruction/removal (lymphedema): causes can include the following: –  Filarial (W. bancrofti—elephantitis)–  Bacterial lymphangitis (streptococci)–  Trauma–  Surgery–  Tumor  Follow us on Instagram for Image based updates and Flowcharts - Placenta Previa Types (pictorial representation)

Winners of April

We are excited to announce the winners of April Month Leaderboard.  It was a two day delay from our side - because we were validating our leaderboard.  Our motto - Make you learn ! - To stand with this and to encourage students attempting tests regularly we had given Cash Prizes for students.  We had to make some modifications in the backend and use some elimination algorithm to identify the Genuine Winners for the month of April. The below is the rank-list Irfan RashidSajeerHariharankumaranAsiaAshishChaubeyJuileetigdiSanjayTheertaDiya.Banerjee.20RamanjanAkritiChandra The above rank list will differ from the Leaderboard. Since we have excluded a few based on our AI Algorithm at the backend.  Our exclusion criteria used (Students who fit into both of them are eliminated by our AI ranking algorithm)  Users - Who have finished all the exams under one minuteUsers - Who have got all exams 100% score The leaderboard quiz and prizes will continue for the month of May as well. ! Read the daily topics and attend the quizzes.  Those in the rank list - Fill the form and we will reach out to you.  Elixir April Month Winners

Elixir Drops

💧Elixir Drops - 10

Location Middle cranial fossa (on either side of sella turcica) Connections Anterior: Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, pterygoid plexus of veins (via facial vein)Posterior: Superior and inferior petrosal, intercavernous sinus Contents Lateral wall: CNs III, IV, V1, V2Running through cavernous sinus: CN VI ICA Clinical Relation Route of infection to brain (eg, zygomycosis)Cavernous sinus thrombosisFollow us on Instagram - Elixir NEET PG

Last day !!

Hello students,  It's going to be end of April. Just a day left. I hope all of you all safe and reading as per your plan. We just want you to remind you that by the end of today - whoever is in the leaderboard will be selected for prizes.! The fight is not over until the last minute. Read the notes in the app, attend the test and be on top to Grab your Prize !!

Important Announcement !

We had posted a couple of hours - Guess what ?. We had a variety of answers - Most of them commenting the content to be free. The motto of this app is to make you Learn. If the content is free does't mean that a student will learn. So be are going back to the basics of science.Every-thing in this world is based on Science and we strongly believe that. First we gave random free tests, just to make you write them so you are not afraid of an exam.Then we started giving notes and made you read that and 5 questions in two minutes  - to make you systematic and time boundNow we need a push ! A reward mechanism - to stimulate your brain cells, which is going to compel you to take all the old quizzes and to write !Yes, we are going to reward guys who are regular and who remain on the top of leaderboard. ! Exciting isn't? We have 3 days in April left -  Read and attend the tests and be on the leaderboard to win the prizes ! Share with your friends and compete with them - Peer pressure pushes every single born Indian, doesn't ?? 

Guess ???

Dear Students, We have a small exciting news for you all. We shall make the announcement in some time. ?Anyone of you wants to guess what it is ?! (Comment your random thoughts !)